[This article by Siegfried Goodfellow is a companion to or amplification of “Forming a Mythic Response to the Deepwater Catastrophe,” an article by Siegfried featured in Issue 7, Winter 2010, of Hex Magazine – Ed.] Heiti of the Gods: Fridlef as Njord, Amundus as Volund, Bjorn as Hodur, and Helgi as Halfdan An explanation by Siegfried Goodfellow, with special research help from Carla O’Harris. There are many in modern times who may not be familiar with these identifications known in ancient days, and candor requires bringing people to the sources from which they are derived so each may make up their own mind as to their solidity and validity. The explanations here may seem Byzantine, but such is the fate of tracing polynyms amongst the skalds, who loved labyrinthine foldings, and once you grasp the gestalt underlying these different variations, the logic becomes crystal clear. …
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