25 Sep 2010 There is a real mystique and awe surrounding Halo Manash, experimental psychic-sonic pioneers from Suomi whose unique menagerie of drones, found instruments, and primal spirit combine to yield a truly sonic experience of solemn but untamed ritualism. …
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25 Sep 2010 Earthy, richly layered, alternately dreamy and visceral, Trails of Blood and Fragments of the Tradition is a noble tribute to The Joy of Nature’s musical forebears, and a true celebration of life. A marvellous continuation of the trilogy of The Empty Circle, and a release which leaves me very excited to hear the concluding release of the series… …
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25 Sep 2010 Heavily laden with synchronistic beauty, this is an album that rewards deep exploration and reflection. The music is rich, subtle, and evokes a string of all-encompassing worlds, like pearls on the necklace of the hermaphrodite Mercurius. Couto has fulfilled the ambition of this release with an assured genius that bodes well for the sequel albums in the series of The Empty Circle. …
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Autumn Equinox 2010
* Hex Issue 7: Fall/Winter 2010 is Here! *

Support Hex! We are community-supported not-for-profit publication. …
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21 Sep 2010 The prescient H.G. Wells once wrote that human history might soon become a “race between education and catastrophe.” I would add that this race started a long time ago, for criticism of the Industrial Revolution has accompanied its viral growth since its inception. And now, in 2010, amid a (supposedly) flourishing “Green” movement and increased awareness about the environment, we face one of the largest environmental disasters in human history. …
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21 Sep 2010 I get very inspired to cook Norwegian foods at this time of year. When I lived in Norway I really enjoyed all the special foods that were served and enjoyed during the Yuletide season. So when I came back to the US, I decided that I would celebrate the Winter Solstice by feasting on Nordic cuisine. …
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21 Sep 2010 Just last week I accidentally bought an unusually large squash, weighing close to 2 kg (4 lbs. 6 ½ ounces). It was a butternut, obviously coming from a healthy vine, with beautiful colour and shape and just perfectly ripened. What to do with it? A giant pumpkin soup was the obvious answer! …
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21 Sep 2010 In Scandinavia, drinking spiced wine during the holiday season is a celebrated event. Norwegians have special holiday parties dedicated to drinking spiced wine during the winter holidays. The most common wine is called Gløgg. Here is a different version called Bisp… …
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21 Sep 2010 [This article by Siegfried Goodfellow is a companion to or amplification of “Forming a Mythic Response to the Deepwater Catastrophe,” an article by Siegfried featured in Issue 7, Winter 2010, of Hex Magazine – Ed.] Heiti of the Gods: Fridlef as Njord, Amundus as Volund, Bjorn as Hodur, and Helgi as Halfdan An explanation by Siegfried Goodfellow, with special research help from Carla O’Harris. There are many in modern times who may not be familiar with these identifications known in ancient days, and candor requires bringing people to the sources from which they are derived so each may make up their own mind as to their solidity and validity. The explanations here may seem Byzantine, but such is the fate of tracing polynyms amongst the skalds, who loved labyrinthine foldings, and once you grasp the gestalt underlying these different variations, the logic becomes crystal clear. …
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31 Aug 2010 Find out how to spy on top of your lover, the smartphone way
A service provider generally known as iphonemonitoring.us now can get across for your needs phones pre installed with spying software that is going to tempt a person to keep track of texts, telephone calls and, amazingly well, virtually almost everything. Now …
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31 Aug 2010 Listed below are some activities to ascertain if your Mac is running slowly
Pretty much every laptop, yes indeed even Macs there, I said it can slow over time if you’re not keeping it carefully or maybe your computer suffers computer hardware or system complications. In this post, we’ll walk you through several …
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31 Aug 2010 How to purchase the proper Cell Phone Spy Software system Which means you are planning on purchasing some sort of mobile spy software? A timely online search and you may realize many alternative solutions that reportedly can get rid of your whole situations. You start to look on a few and really soon you could …
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6 Aug 2010 There’s a little something thinking about, best? All parents or guardians need to their teenagers to end up being safe and sound without any intruding within their activities so much. Right here at Top10SpySoftware.com we provide the reviews of the most useful mobile tracking applications. It will be possible to compare and contrast and choose …
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6 Aug 2010 TOP10 PHONE TRACKERS Mobile Trackers
At the moment, there are plenty of entirely free phone tracker applications accessible online for download and install with their public online websites, social networking sites or report spreading services. Adult men and women facial skin challenging of determining which app is the greatest. This review reveals you employing …
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30 Jul 2010 ~ THE TURNING OF THE WHEEL ~ Loaf Feast 2010
* New Hex Website is Here! *
That’s right folks, The Hex Harvest is in! We’ve been hard at work rebuilding the website to feature mountains of online content, book …
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20 Jun 2010 
Summer Solstice 2010
Issue #6 is Here!

Support Hex!
We are community-supported …
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8 May 2010 Imagine being seduced into the world of Merrie England, as John Michell would say: a quasi-mythical realm of music, craft, magic, the whole rustic tapestry of rural life. A world where animals are wiser than humans, and hedgerows bristle with mystery. No, that isn’t quite the world of Telling the Bees – they’re far too wise to naively devolve into such idealism – but it certainly echoes through every note of their new album, An English Arcanum, and if ever the folk mythology of Merrie England were attested by any kind of evidence, this album would be it. …
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8 May 2010 Telling The Bees are a four piece folk band with a strong classical influence and they sing their stories with a poignancy and magic all their own. Oh, and every time I put this album on to play I am immediately, utterly obsessed. …
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6 May 2010 US nature-loving doom outfit Celestiial are an unusual beast. Where Life Springs Eternal, their second full length album, is a fascinating mix of heavy, droning funeral doom guitars, tortured vocals, and glacial percussion. Somehow they’ve managed to take the usually oppressive and choking tools of the funeral doom metal trade to evoke an almost soothing animistic atmosphere of forests and streams and mist on the air. It’s a strange and impressive achievement. …
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4 May 2010 Loss is the debut album of UK black metal band Wodensthrone. It was recorded with the assistance of pagan black metal giants Negura Bunget, and sets out to explore the historical and cultural spirit of Europe’s pagan roots… …
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